Related Research and Tools


Restacking the Deck (2014)

Editors/Authors: David Clandfield, Bruce Curtis, Grace-Edward Galabuzi, Alison Gaymes San Vicente, D. W. Livingstone, and Harry Smaller
Access Introduction by clicking here.
“Will we waste another generation?” This is the question posed in Stacking the Deck: The Streaming of Working Class Kids in Ontario Schools, published more than 20 years ago in 1992. Now, with this follow-up volume, the same question remains: Will we waste another generation over the next two decades? The same destructive, if somewhat more hidden, streaming arrangements are still at work in Ontario schools. They are still based on class, race, gender and imputed special needs and bring with them substantial discriminatory treatment. And, as the evidence shows, streaming has no redeeming features: it hurts poor and racialized students, and it doesn’t improve the performance of students from wealthier homes. In this neo-liberal era in education, serious resistance to streaming is going to require a sustained alliance of working-class and progressive middle-class parents and students, alongside teacher unions and labour and community organizations. This book is intended to support that effort.

Towards Race Equity in Education: The Schooling of Black Students in the Greater Toronto Area (2017)

Authors: Dr. Carl E. James and Tana Turner
Access full report by clicking here.
This report focuses on how racism operates through academic structures, like streaming, and provides tips for families from Kindergarten to Grade 12 to support their navigation of a system rife with barriers, particularly for Black students.

Streaming Students (2017)

Author: People for Education
Access mini-report by clicking here.
Drawn from People for Education's Annual Report on Ontario's Publicly Funded Schools, this mini-report examines the issue of academic streaming.


Online Articles/Blogs

Ending 'streaming' is only the first step to dismantling systemic racism in Ontario schools

Author: Dr. Carl E. James
Access by clicking here.
This article examines the Ontario government's recent move to de-stream Grade 9. The author addresses issues of systemic racism and queries the extent to which this structural move will have an impact on Black students.

Academic Streaming: A Blog

Author: Jason To
Access by clicking here.
A personal account of an educator who "started as a streamer but then saw the light". The author offers excellent insight and tips on how to make de-streaming a reality.

Marginal at Best: A Narrative on Streaming in Public Education (2016)

Author: Alison Gaymes San Vicente
Access by clicking here.
This article follows the trajectories of two students navigating public school and their stratified experiences related to streaming.



Inclusive Early Childhood Service System Project (IECSS)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Kathryn Underwood
Access Project website here.
"About" Page: The Inclusive Early Childhood Service System (IECSS) project is longitudinal study interviewing families once per year over a 6 year period starting prior to school entry up to grade 3. The study is informed by a social relational theory of disability that recognizes that disablement is the result of an interaction between individual characteristics (such as genetic and environmental factors), social experiences (such as poverty and racialization), and access to community social capital (such as early intervention services, childcare, and culturally safe supports).

10 Class Commandments

Author: Ramon San Vicente
Direct link here.